Equal Ultimacy

Equal-Ultimacy and the Decree of God

Equal Ultimacy Precludes an Abstract Essence

Equal Ultimacy and John Calvin

Is God equally active in causing the salvation of the elect and the damnation of the reprobate?

Faith & Unbelief are GIVEN by God! Equal Ultimacy + Antinomianism = The ULTIMATE GOSPEL!

Responding to Gene Kim: ‘Did a Calvinist God harden Pharaoh’s heart?’ YES!! Equal Ultimacy Defended!

Is Double Predestination Biblical?

Equal Ultimacy - Chris & Sam Reconcile (Awww) - Calvinism & Arminianism Bloodbath

Episode 27: John Calvin on Reprobation (Inst. 3.23)

Romans 9 Teaches Equal Ultimacy, Denying Arminian Freewill AND Calvinistic Active Permission!

The Sovereignty of God in Reprobation

Ask the Pastor: infralapsarianism or Supralapsarianism

Supralapsarianism vs. Infralapsarianism

Autotheos | Van Til's Trinitarian Theology (Lesson 4)

Van Til vs. Hegel

Bavinck on Unity and Diversity

Double Predestination Explained

On the indispensability of mathematics to philosophy - Benedict Eastaugh

Double Predestination: Yes, It is Biblical and No, It Does Not Make God the Author of Evil

The Self-Contained God and the One-and-Many Problem

REPROBATION—the most hated & neglected doctrine (by Sonny Hernandez)

Difference between High Calvinism and Hyper Calvinism 2

Calvinism Destroyed? - Common objections addressed | Dr. James White

Van Til Group #6 — The Christian Philosophy of Reality